Primal groups

    December 22, 2021

    In this moment of crisis and transformation, it is fundamental to be conscious of our past oriented reactiveness and to come back to the here and now, where our true potential can unfold. Our sadness, fear, anger and numbness have deep roots in our early life history, and they often get triggered and played out in the present. This is just because all these […]

    April 17, 2021

    The child inside is what gives us inspiration, creativity and openness. The adult inside gives us the maturity, the worldly experience and lovingness that are needed for the child’s qualities to flower in our lives and relationships. When there is no communication between these two parts of us, we might project either the adult or the child in our partners. This will create tension […]

    September 9, 2016

    This group opens for you the doors of “time traveling”. It allows you to travel back in time to explore what painful situations in your past still affect the way you live and love today. It also brings you back to the many positive and inspirational moments that you have already lived, alone and with others. When you can recall with all your senses […]

    September 9, 2016

    The split we carry, between what we feel inside and what we think we should be on the outside, needs healing. Inside us still lives a child, which was born full of natural gifts, overflowing with sensitivity and connectedness with existence and people. In the past, this child has not felt supported in its true nature, and has learnt to renounce its longings. This […]

    September 9, 2016

    A deeper and more intense exploration covering the previous steps in a more advanced way, moving further back in time, reconnecting with earlier life issues, such as birth, pregnancy and conception. It offers more and different tools to understand and release the most unconscious layers of our personality. In this group you will be accompanied step by step back in time, through the stages […]

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