
    November 18, 2016

    Premartha and Svarup hanno lavorato nell’ambito della terapia Olistica per molti anni. Sono dei meravigliosi creatori, eccellenti insegnanti, e compassionevoli compagni di viaggio. Insieme, conducono il processo Nato Due Volte: Primal-Decondizionamento dall’Infanzia,   I riti di passaggio sono sempre esistiti in tutte le culture antiche di questo pianeta. Il loro intento era quello di aiutare gli individui, attraverso specifici rituali, a lasciarsi alle spalle […]

    November 18, 2016

    SVARUP Learning to care and hold the space When I arrived to Osho, in the early eighties, I was carrying with me a colourful backpack of seventies culture, culminating into five years of work and training in London with R.D.Laing, and also a battered suitcase of philosophical studies and political ideology from the sixties in Rome… Nothing had prepared me for the complete revolution […]

    November 18, 2016

    What about if your peak experience of falling in love, is one, that can only be described as a valley experience…? Then the term falling in love, which is so inappropriate in the context of peaks, might suddenly make sense. Yes, rising in love is a great vision, and yet, falling in love, is how people have called the experience of loving down the […]

    November 18, 2016

    Premartha: The uniqueness, I guess, is that the relationship was born in the commune, so, we don’t know each other any other way than sannyasin, we don’t know each other as non-sannyasin. If I tell the story of how it started, is that we had met in Amsterdam already but really re-met in Berlin on the time the ****** was still there, the big […]

    November 18, 2016

    Writing to a diary, as Melissa Panarello does in her best seller “A Hundred Strokes of the Brush before Bed” (Cento Colpi di Spazzola primal di andare a dormire) is actually a great idea. It’s definitely better than writing to God. At least your diary can represent your wiser self, the one you can confide to unconditionally. God always has his own opinion about […]

    September 26, 2016

    Through this journey, you are invited to find back and enjoy again, with a new maturity and a new understanding for their value, the ecstatic, essential spaces of Childhood.
As children, we all had our individual connection with the Absolute, and oneness was not a faraway goal, but an innocent state of being…we were small mystics, experimenting spontaneously with many different meditation techniques, searching for […]

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