Antar Haritama Yesica Espinosa

She has a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and postgraduate studies in Finance.

She met the meditation with OSHO and self-healing groups in 2007. In 2008 she started her training as a therapist where she met Svarup and Premartha with Primal, having one of the most beautiful life experiences.

In the same year she was trained as a Mystic Rose Leader. She also worked at the Osho Meditation Center in Mexico city for 2 years.

Since 2010 she has leading meditation and laughter groups for adults and children from 4 to 12 in the Osho Center, Yoga Centers and Schools. She is very interested in expand the meditation and laughter for kids and parents.

Sessions: Childhood Deconditioning Series. Past Life Dialogues. Ayurvedic and Rebalancing Massage. Workshops: Kids Meditation and Laughter. Laughter Yoga Leader Certification.

Haritama speaks Spanish and English.

Email: Whatsapp and Phone: (Luna) 9841203780